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  • Hello@mayshotpot.com
  • Office Hours: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

We Offer All Your IT Solutions!

We provide a variety of IT services, including P2P Wireless internet, Data Cabling, Network troubleshooting, CCTV and even create a Hotspot for your business. Our staff are dedicated in providing you with the best solutions that are not only the most affordable but also suited to you. Every installation is customised to your needs as we believe that there is no cookie cutter solution to every service and with todays rapidly advancing technology, we strive to provide you with what works best for your hoem or business.


P2P Wireless Solutions


Data Cabling


Network troubleshooting

Our Mission


At Mays Hotspot, we believe that everyone should have access to the internet. Being in rural and remote areas, this can prove difficult for the more mainstream providers and the little guy tends to get left out. This is where we come in. We want our clients to be able to get what they need in their IT needs at a price that won't break the bank.

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Our Vision


We strive to provide the most affordable and up to date technology for our clients in a way that is best suited to them. We believe that what may work for one person, may not work for someone else. In a hope to provide all areas with their IT solutions, we wish to provide a customised experience, one where you feel that you have been provided the best.

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